The Administration of the Municipality
Governance in the municipality is both modern and traditional. The former is represented by the Municipal Assembly created by Legislative Instrument, (L.I 2144) within the framework of the Local Governance Act of 2016 (Act 936), while the latter is by Chiefs and Queen Mothers (Traditional rulers)
The Municipal Assembly
The Municipal Assembly which is one of the decentralized structures at the local level aimed at bringing development to the door steps of the people.
The Assembly operates through the committee system with various committees deliberating on different aspects of the Municipal development. These committees include;
- Development Planning
- Finance and Administration
- Social Services
- Technical Infrastructure (Works)
- Justice and Security and
- Sanitation
Some departments have also been decentralized to the Assembly to assist the Assembly in its work. The Assembly works with some development partners and the Traditional Authority.
The General house: – It is the highest administrative and legislative body in the Municipality and it has a Membership of Thirty-one (31) made up of Twenty (20) elected from single member electoral areas, nine appointed by Central Government, One (1) Member of Parliament (who has no voting right) and a Municipal Chief Executive. The General House is headed by a Presiding Member.
The Executive Committee:-
1.The Executive Committee shall perform the executive functions of the Assembly and shall be made up of the following:
- The Municipal Chief Executive as Chairperson
- The Chairpersons of the following sub-committees of the executive committee
- Development Planning
- Social Services
- Works
- Justice and Security
- Finance and Administration 2.The chairperson of one ad hoc Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee elected by the Municipal Assembly and
- Any two other members elected by members of the District Assembly, at least one of whom is a woman.
The Other important bodies are;
- Public Relations & Complaints Committee (headed by the presiding member)
- Municipal Tender Committee
- Municipal Security Committee
- Credit disbursement committee
The municipality is sub-divided into One Town Council (Bawku) and Two Zonal Councils (Mognori and kuka-Zabugu) Zonal councils.
Traditional Authority
The traditional authority is represented by the Bawku Traditional Council under the presidency of the Bawku Naba, the Paramount Chief of the Bawku Traditional Area. The membership is made up of the Chiefs of important settlements and the advisors to the Bawku Naba.
There are twenty-six (26) departments/agencies in the municipality. Out of this number sixteen (16) are decentralized departments/agencies while ten (10) are non-decentralized.
Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organizations
There are also some NGOs and CSOs existing in the municipality which have their respective areas of operation. Below are the organization and their areas of operations.
List of NGOs in the Municipality
BElim Wusa Development Agency(BEWDA) | Capacity building, Gender Issues, Income Generation |
Christ Centre for the Needy | Quality Education and Employable skills training to the Needy and Disadvantaged Children |
AGIFSS-Agriculture Innovation & Farmer Support Service | Provision of Credit to farmers |
Rural United Based Foundation | Orphan, Disable, HIV/AIDs Education and Capacity Building |
Bawku Literary Society | Conflict management/peace building |
UNICEF | Sanitation and Health |
UNFPA | Reproductive Health |
WACDEP | Climate change adaptation |
Source: BMA NGOs Records
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