2021 Projects
3-Bedroom Nurses’ accomodation at Tampizua

3-Bedroom Nurses Accomodation at Buzunde

3-Unit Classroom Block at Zuli

3-unit Classroom with Office and Store at Sabon-Zongo JHS

6-Seater Water Closet toilet at Presby JHS

6-unit Classroom block at Naa-Gbewaa Primary School

Special Ward at Presbyterian Hospital

Renovation of Slaughter House at Azanga

Expansion of CHPS Compound at Baribari

Supply of 1,500No. Metal Dual Desk

20No. Lockable Stores at Bawku Market

2021 Projects
3-Bedroom Nurses’ accomodation at Tampizua

3-Bedroom Nurses Accomodation at Buzunde

3-Unit Classroom Block at Zuli

3-unit Classroom with Office and Store at Sabon-Zongo JHS

6-Seater Water Closet toilet at Presby JHS

6-unit Classroom block at Naa-Gbewaa Primary School

Special Ward at Presbyterian Hospital

Renovation of Slaughter House at Azanga

Expansion of CHPS Compound at Baribari

Supply of 1,500No. Metal Dual Desk